SUSQUEHANNOCK Tribe of Florida

Full Moon by Chief Dancing Thunder is the authentic tribal way of using the medicine wheel, and a sharing of the knowledge of the great North American medicine wheels. It is a powerful and authentic tool for use alone or in assembled groups. The depth of the energy in this recording is real and electric, based as it is on an ancient and extensive knowledge and experience. The drum calls the spirits of the animals in the four wind directions. It begins first in the north with the deer, continues on in the direction of the sun to call the spirit of the spotted eagle in the east, and then calls the running wolf in the southern wind direction, and finally the spirit of the black bear in the west. The west is the tribal healing direction.

Read more: Full Moon

Rhythms of the Tundra

A live musical meeting between three northern indigenous peoples and traditions: cross-over music played from the roots with a raw atavistic musicality, with soaring joik, hypnotic khomus and pulsating percussion.

Great Trance music. The rhythms and sounds helps you to shift very easy to a higher level in trance. .

For more info check


These three days are suitable for healers who would like to support others with their traumas and trauma processes and to help them to solve the trauma. This teaching is specially valuable for therapists, healers and doctors. The teachings will be focused on ancient shamanic healing arts and healing methods.

I would like to personally invite all healers and therapists to the special Trauma Healing Teachings. The earth has moved into the age of ancient and traditional healing. This means that our most ancient and traditional healing arts are returning to the earth along with the great healers and the keepers of ancient healing ceremonies and rituals. In this upcoming Trauma Healing we will be experiencing new rituals and ceremonies that have been kept so that they can be brought back and given to all healers of the earth.

Read more: Trauma Healing

"Eagle - Wind - Otter ", Sweat lodge rituals
A spectacular experience. Don't miss it. In the North American mythology eagles are the guardians of dreaming and open up doorways to many different medicines. The wind is connected with the medicine of the four arrows and opens up visions. The otter leads us into the center of the medicine wheel of the eagle where we can find medicine.

"Bear & Wolf", Sweat lodge rituals
A spectacular experience. Don't miss it. Run with wolves and experience the strength of the bears. In the North American mythology wolves and bears play a special role and open up many ways of seeing.

Read more: Sweatlodge various info

The Teachings of Dancing Thunder

Since all of the teachings, ceremonials, rituals I have been doing in these last years are getting into very advanced and sometimes complicated rituals and teachings, I thought it would be a good idea to explain how the teachings are put together.

All the teachings are related directly to one another and are coupled together like a train.

So it goes like this: the first teachings are the Ancient Medicine Wheel Teachings of the Ancestors (in the brochures classical medicine wheel teachings).

Read more: Overview teachings

De vier klassieke ceremonies van het Medicijnwiel.

De eerste medicijnwiel ceremonie
Met behulp van de eerste medicijnwiel ceremonie worden de vier windrichtingen door middel van de waarneming uitgelijnd. Door middel van chants (eenvoudige liederen) en drums worden we in één van de vier natuurlijke verhoogde staten van waarneming gebracht. In deze staat kunnen we met onze buitenzintuiglijke

Read more: De vier klassieke ceremonies van het Medicijnwiel

The Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremony is one of the 13 clan lodges of the Susquehannock.
The 13 clan lodges are related to the year cycle of the moon.
The Clan Lodges of the Susquehannock are transformational in nature.
This year the Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremony will be international as well as intertribal.
There will be friends coming from all over, England, Austria, Holland, Germany, and Finland as well a The Medicine Chief of the Blackfoot Ee-Suk-Yah, The Sacred Paint Gatherer, and other tribal
descendents were around the Valley.
This Will Be a Truly Spectacular Ceremony!

Read more: The Great Susquehannock Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremony

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